Saturday, January 28, 2012


hey..long time no update huh...hahaha....biase laa budak agi kn msti sebok nan skola....ok first of all...skola start nan best n bored....the best one new friend n meets old friend :D.....n the bored one is...the day...i mean..kekadang tu cikgu serious sngt..oh teacher are soo kind....haha....tulaa blaja kan....tpi kekadang tu cikgu wt year new friend new class old friend old behavior n old face..haha....ok my story end here...sory coz tak bnyak crite..ok bye...peace no war....

Saturday, January 7, 2012


haaa.....skola dh start....huh...bru ari ketige skola dh demam cm taik jew......btw...first day skola best sanat....ari kedua skola dh kene bwak form 1 gi jln..tu laa kerje sbagai pngawas.....yeah taon baru azam pn baru....btw..turun klass plak.....dari kelas ke lime trus gi klas ke 8....huh trok nyew laa...tpi tkpe...nnti naik laa balik kn...yeah korng ckp tk sng tpi kene nk brusaha kn..rite rite..haha......baju skola kasut skola sume baru kecuali beg..hahaha....bole gune lagi kn soo gune laa...kay smpai sini sje....watlek watpeace wat cool....peace no war